Folk media in development

Folk media in development communication role

Folk Communication

Folk media is an effective means of communication in today's world, it not only helps connect people with their cultures but also restore the lost culture of the society. Folk media is the type of  media which is usually used at the small cluster or local level to communicate with the

Role of media in communication

Communication is a two way process where messages flow both ways.Communication also refers to that use of different forms of media, such  as print, electronic media (radio, television), new media etc. ... Different mass media is used to effectively communicate knowledge and information to people for developmental purpose.

Folk media in India

Traditional folk media is basically shown by people performances like Folk dance, rural drama and musical variety of the village people, all come under traditional media. folk art, theatre, music, dance, art and craft are mostly performed in rural India.

Importantance of media for communication

Media plays very important role as it is the best way to communicate with large number of audience at the same time. Electronic media is media that uses electro mechanical device to
access the content.Electronic media is more effective than print media or any other media because people are very lazy to read anything,they want to get everything without putting any effort so they are more interested in electronic media,specially our youth. Communication is the key to human development. For the development process people’s participation is the key element to the progress. Ninety percent of the worlds population lives in developing countries and 70% of them live in rural areas. Mass media such as newspapers, television, and the internet still do not effectively reach these people, these media do not have the required impact in terms of motivating change and development. But if we talk about Folk media it is very effective and also influence people by their thoughts and idea because in folk media performances are done by people like theatre, nukkad Natak etc which motivate others.In traditional societies, art is an integral part of the process of living in the, Folk media can play a vital role in communicating to and with the people, particularly, in rural areas, including the modern messages Media is known as the source of entertainment .In the society media can highlight the different issues of the society and can expose the corruption and made people realize about the certain things and led them to the way of development.Traditional media like television, newspaper is playing a vital role in the society.


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