currently new government wants to remove burka culture of Muslim women's but Muslim personal law board saying  it's against our culture and society where all Muslims women feeling safe and protected their integrated living of way. According to the new generation 70./. Muslims women wants to remove burka in India. It's not necessary to wear they wants to live Their freedom life.Equality and freedom life. Women are not just for house wife
Large no. Of women's working in high level post  Women are making proud Indian people in  sports line as well others official DEPARTMENT.

It is guaranteed that individuals are allowed to wear as they wish at their private homes and at the Mosque. Imam El Sadi, without quoting anyone and speaking from his own beliefs, as a spiritual guidance, that banning of the niqab and the burka offends Muslim women". the purpose behind the hijab -- a woman covering herself so that a man should know her for her mind, not her body." That purpose can be traced back to the Quran, Islam's holy text, which encourages women to dress modestly, says Faegheh Shirazi, author of "The Veil Unveiled.


Burka is becoming political issues right now in India
last year, the Supreme Court issued strict guidelines and said that not wearing the hijab during examination would not affect the faith and it won't disappear if it ain't worn on a specific single day. As per the reports, the government might remove the ban on wearing a hijab or burka during the exam this year. 

A long, loose garment covering the whole body from head to feet, worn in public by women in many Muslim countries. 'In the sense of attire, purdah can denote the practice of completely covering a woman's body by wearing a loose, body-covering robe called the burqa.
The debates that surround the wearing of burka often hold that women are forced by men to wear the garment. This is further streng thened by the fact that, in many Muslim countries, women lack basic rights and equality and, therefore, the wearing of burka seems to be a form of patriarchal control. In different parts of the world, particularly in conservative states, there is evidence that women are forced to wear burka or a nigab because they fear being beaten,  arrested, or even killed


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